Prof. Dr. Hatice Kose is a full-time member of the AI and Data Engineering Department of the Faculty of Computer and Informatics Engineering, Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Turkey, coordinating the Cognitive Social Robotics Lab, and Game and Interaction Technologies Lab. She is in the academic board of Computer Engineering, Mechatronics, and Game and Interaction Technologies Graduate programs and former coordinator of the Computer Engineering Graduate Program. She received her PhD degree from the Computer Engineering Department, Bogazici University, Turkey. In 2006-2010, she worked as a Research Fellow at the University of Hertfordshire, in the EU Project RobotCub. She was a visiting researcher at Imperial College in 2010, and at University of Manchester in 2016. Her current research focuses on affective and social robots for children. Her research team is working on the emotion/stress recognition of children, and gesture/sign language recognition/generation in robots. Her motivation is to use the assistive robots and turn-taking based interaction games in the therapy and education of children with communication impairment (children with hearing impairment and children with Autism). She is leading several research projects, supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), and ITU Scientific Research Foundation, and takes part in several Horizon2020 projects and Cost actions. She is an IEEE Senior Member since March, 2019.
Selected Projects:
- (2022-2025) EraPerMed project, TECH-TOYS: Acquire digiTal biomarkErs in InfanCy witH sensorized TOYS for early detection and monitoring of neurodevelopmental disorders-ITU Coordinator;
- (2022-2026) Cost Action CA21131 - Enabling multilingual eye-tracking data collection for human and machine language processing research (MultiplEYE)-WG2
- (2019-2022) -Erasmus+ project; Affective loop in Socially Assistive Robotics as an intervention tool for children with autism (EMBOA)-ITU Coordinator;
- (2018-2020)- TUBITAK project; Roborehab: An Assistant Robot for Audiology Rehabilitation of Children-PI;
- (2015-2018) - Horizon2020 project; Welding of E-Textiles for Interactive Clothing (Etexweld) –Researcher;
- (2014-2018) - Horizon 2020 COST Action “Play For Children With Disabilities (LUDI)”-MC;
- (2006-2010) – FP6, Robotcub – Research Fellow (University of Hertfordshire, UK)